many rubbish!
When I go to a gallery exhibition, I love to see the artist’s earlier works or practice sketches. It reminds me of the amount of work and practice that goes in before you make something you’re happy with. It also reminds me that,unless you’re some kind of super human freak, most artists generally don’t start out creating great works, they create a lot of crap before it starts to get any good.
The key thing is, they don’t give up.
I find this even more inspiring than seeing the finished pieces. Over the past few months we’ve been cutting prototype after prototype, trying out different finishing techniques and materials, creating a lot of crap and some good things. I’ve also been tweaking and improving all the tap designs and I thought I’d show an example of a first attempt alongside the latest version of same. Keep in mind this “First” edition is still the one that made it to production. My actual first sketch of Krampus looked like something a talentless, drunk chimpanzee might draw. Incase there’s ever a burgeoning market for talentless, drunk chimpanzee art, I’ll hang on to it. For now, here are the first and last edition Krampus Winter Ale taps: